온라인 봄학기 신청!

REGISTRATION FORM: https://forms.gle/fNTw1shQHcNRCTSb7 Registration is now OPEN for our Spring Semester. Learn Korean and other fun activities! 수업기간/Class Period : ➤2/12/2021~6/5/2021기존 12주차에서 16주차로 추가변경12 week classes change to 16 weeks…

2020 가을 학기 마무리

We successfully ended our first full online Korean School semester. Check out the photos and sign up for our Winter Camps and Spring Semester! https://youtu.be/WgYubyohPA4 https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7XGwaUf0cCWLJCIwMxY24jkHJkzRy8uJ https://youtu.be/ueptVNCt3kA

독도는 우리 땅~!

Our students learned about Korean history, specifically about Dokdo. 훈민반 students drew 독도 정음1반 students wrote the words "아름다운 우리 땅 독도" 정음3반 students wrote the words "영원한 우리의 섬…